Bookseller Catalogs

206: Richard Weiss Library on the Natural & Physical Science (part V: J-L)

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

206: Richard Weiss Library on the Natural & Physical Science (part V: J-L) JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #206: 31 items: L’Honneste Homme et le Scelerat. Scavoir, (1700); JEANS, Problems of Cosmogony and Stellar Dynamics, (1919); [Jeux/Games] Edmond HOYLE; PHILIDOR (contr.). Académie Universelle des Jeux, (1761); JOBLOT, Observations D'Histoire Naturelle, Faites Avec Le Microscope, (1754-1755); JUNCKER, Conspectus Chemiae Theoretico-Practicae, (1730-38); KEILL, Introductiones ad Veram Physicam et Veram Astronomiam, (1739); KILLING, Geometrie, (1893-98); LA FONTAINE, Fables Choisies, (1811), and more.

How to request a print version: This catalogue is on-line only. PDF available on request.


By Susan Benne

AMERICAN CARTES DE VISITE:  Catalog 1118 Authors & Abolitionists Lawyers & Politicians Actors & Actresses Inventors & Financiers, &c.

How to request a print version: Please download the pdf and print if desired.

Catalog No. 4 - Faces

Catalog No. 4 - Faces A selection of carefully chosen original comic art and illustrations featuring, in no particular order, Virgil Finlay, John Romita, John Romita, Jr, Romano Scarpa, Milo Manara, Magnus, Simone Bianchi, Johnny Hart, Brant Parker, Don Rosa, Jeff MacNelly, Russell Crofoot, and many others.

How to request a print version: A print version will be available shortly. You can contact us at to order your copy.

E-List #4: New Arrivals

By Main Street Fine Books & Manuscripts, Ltd.

E-List #4: New Arrivals This eclectic selection includes two 1900 beauties (1st illustrated edition of Westcott's "David Harum" in jacket, 1st of Stratemeyer's "On to Pekin" as fresh as when published) and two pop stars who died young in Texas crashes (Rick Nelson inscribes choice colorized early portrait, Johnny Horton inscribes 45rpm pictorial sleeve).

Catalogue Five: Books, Manuscripts, Photographs, Archives, Ephemera

By Walkabout Books

Catalogue Five: Books, Manuscripts, Photographs, Archives, Ephemera An eclectic gathering of 120 items, dominated by Americana (broadly defined), but also including items pertaining to Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Asia, dating from the early nineteenth century to the 1970s. Among the subjects to be found here: land and real estate promotion, early motor travel, cycling, the Haymarket Riot, the Lincoln assassination, peace, immigration, labor, popular entertainments, American religion, sideshows, medicine (quack and otherwise), education, engineering/construction, suffrage, trade catalogues, World War I, Cold War diplomacy, and more.

How to request a print version: Send an email to to request a printed catalogue or add yourself to our mailing list.

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